Tuesday, September 9, 2008

At last...

Well we made it. It was a long haul, dealing with air travel, sending our bag to Tokyo, and taking a bus from Osaka, but here we are in Tokushima on the island of Shikoku at the Tokushima Sunroute Hotel. It was 11 hours in the air and 3 hours on the bus with 2 hours in between for little stuff like sending our bag, getting money, buying our bus tickets and going to the bathroom. We are tired, but happy to be here. Watching the flight progress on the small screen in front of my seat was like watching grass grow, time passing at a dull day at work, or waiting for a bad date to end. It seemed like the plane would never reach its destination and then like a miracle, it did. Being in Japan my mind has turned partly Japanese and I thrill myself with my limited ability to read kanji, hiragana and katakana. I am so in tuned to reading Japanese that I read a highway sign as "tow" but it turned out to be merely the icon indicating merging traffic. Sorry that you have to know the character "tow" to get the joke.

1 comment:

akemi said...

glad you arrived safely and are on your way to starting your adventure. can't wait to see your tales from the trail. kobo daishi sama ni yoroshiku!