Friday, September 19, 2008


The fifth day of walking is over. It was suppose to be an easier day for we were going to walk only 11 miles compared to 18 but it wasn't easier, or I should say that I'm just as tired as before. So to me it was just another long day walking under the harsh sun.

There was one interesting event that happened during the day. We walked into a hula studio that we serendipitous ran into. No classes were in session, but we talked to the couple that ran the halau. They have hundreds of students. They also go to Waikiki Community Center as we do when we're in Honolulu. I showed them the ukulele that I was carrying. They were impressed (that I was so stupid). I wanted to hula for some reason that I don't understand. It didn't happened. Oh well... We exchanged name cards (meshi); we just might see them in Honolulu sone day. They gave us cold drinks and fans as ossetai. It helped.

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