Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Little bathroom humor

A little bathroom humor for those with dirty thoughts

Seven years ago when we first did a portion of the walk, I vowed to myself that I would use the squat toilets only under the most dire situation, like I was going to hold it for ten days. As it turned out I got a little sick and had to use the toilet several times a day, and being on Shikokou most of the toilets were of the squat type. Now I must say in my own defense that my aversion to squat toilets is for the simple reason that I can't squat. I will not disgust you with any description of my answer to using toilets that were beyond my body's ability to negotiate. Enough to say that I did and it was awful.

So for this trip I prepared myself by squat. In the beginning I could only hold the undignified position for seconds, but in time I achieved the ability to stay down for what I deemed to be long enough to complete my business if you know what I mean. And so what do you think happened? Up till now I have seen squat toilets, but there has also been Western toilets present, and of course I'm choosing the easier route. It is not always, “When in Rome do as the Romans.”

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